Weekly News ALL Campuses

Christmas Spectacular 2024

You won't want to miss Houston's biggest Christmas show right here at Champion Forest! Tickets will sell out. Get yours before it's too late!

9 Shows | December 10-15
CFBC Champions Campus
Contact: Wanda Villegas | wvillegas@championforest.org
Parents Night Out

Parent's Night Out Pajama Jam is for kids up to 5th grade for parents to attend their adult Life Groups Christmas Party. Registration required by 12/4.

Friday, Dec 6 | 6:30-9:45pm
North Klein
Contact: bchristoph@championforest.org
Merge | Spring 2025

Our ideal and preferred option for seriously dating and engaged couples. Each week we cover a different topic, like communication/conflict, finances, & expectations.

9 weeks beginning February 5, 2025 at 6:45 pm
Room FL 102, Cost is $30 per couple
Contact: Emory Cothen at 281-440-3800 or ecothen@championforest.org
Freedom Weekend 25 | Here Now & Forever

FREEDOM WEEKEND 25 is an opportunity for Students to be spiritually empowered by Jesus, equipped to make a difference, and inspired to live their faith every day!

Friday, Jan 31- Sunday, Feb 2, 2025
Champions Campus
Contact: Adriana Alvarez | aalvarez@championforest.org
Christmas Gifts for Local Schools

Help us provide Christmas gifts for kids in need at our local schools!

November 24th - December 15th.
Champions Campus - Commons Area
Contact: Contact: MissionsMinistry@championforest.org
Re|Engage | Spring 2025

Invest in your marriage! Marriages in any condition can benefit. Preschool/Kids/Student activities for Babies through 12th grade.

Classes Wednesdays, beginning February 5 | 6:30pm-8:15pm
North Klein 208
Contact: Debbie Edgar | dedgar@championforest.org
Perspectives Classes

Perspectives is coming back! Experience powerful lessons that will equip believers with greater vision, hope, and passion for God's redemptive plan.

January 5th-11th at 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Champions Campus
Contact: Marla Morris at 817-800-4404 or marla.morris@perspectives.org for more info.
Men's Bible Study: Hebrews

Join us as we continue an in-dept study through the book of Hebrews beginning January 8th in the Chapel bldg, room E-3.

Wednesdays beginning January 8th at 6:45 PM
Building E, room E-3
Contact: Chuck Stollenwerck; Stollenwerck.chuck@gmail.com
Merge | Spring 2025

A 9-week class for seriously dating and engaged couples. Each week we cover a different topic.

Tuesdays, beginning February 4, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
North Klein 103
Contact: Debbie Edgar | dedgar@cfbc.org
Precept Bible Study - Hebrews

Explore what the Bible says about the relationships between God, Jesus, the angels, and humanity.

Wednesdays, beginning January 15 | 6:30pm - 8:30pm
North Klein 205/206
Contact: Debbie Edgar | dedgar@championforest.org
Financial Peace University

In this fun and engaging course, you'll learn how to manage your resources, spend and save wisely, get rid of debt, and so much more.

Wednesdays, beginning January 15 | 6:30pm - 8:00pm
North Klein 214
Contact: Debbie Edgar: dedgar@championforest.org
Women's Bible Study

All ladies invited as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place.

Tuesdays beginning January 21, 9:30am
North Klein 205/206
Contact: Debbie Edgar | dedgar@championforest.org
The Grove

Each week, young adults from all over Northwest Houston gather to find community and grow in faith. The Grove is open to ALL young adults, come join us!

Tuesdays | 7:30pm
Champions Campus Student Building
Contact: Young Adults Ministry 281-440-3800
Angel Paws

Make a kingdom impact while serving with your dog! Angel Paws Pet Therapy provides training and mission opportunities at local schools, nursing homes and hospitals!

Contact: Debbie Benningfield - cfbcangelpaws@gmail.com
Bible Blast

Guides parents to disciple their child(ren) by leading them into reading the Bible through in a school year. Created for families with children 4 yrs to 5th grade.

Beginning January 14 | Tuesdays | 6:30pm
North Klein 213
Contact: Kacy Remy | cfnkbibleblast@gmail.com
Re|Engage | Spring 2025

Invest in your marriage! Marriages in any condition can benefit, whether you are struggling to get along, your marriage is broken, or want to grow closer together.

February 5 - May 7, 6:45-9:00pm
Champions Campus - Room AE 118, $30 per couple
Contact: Isabel Escobedo | iescobedo@championforest.org
Free English Classes/Clases de Inglés Gratuitas

Learn English trough our ESL & U.S. Citizenship Classes. Aprenda inglés a través de nuestras clases de ESL y clases de ciudadanía.

Thursdays, 9:30 am - 11:45 am
Champions Campus KB Lobby
Contact: Missions Office at 281-440-3800
The CF Library

The CF Library offers a wealth of faith-based materials (traditional and digital) where families can find a variety of subjects for enjoyment and spiritual growth.

Click below to register online.
Once registered, we will reach out with further instructions.
Contact: library@cfbc.org | 281-885-6725
Houston Middle School Mission Trip

6th-8th-grade students will serve the surrounding community in the Houston area and stay overnight in the Student Building.

April 4-6, 2025
Houston, Texas
Contact: Nancy Cook | ncook@championforest.org
England High School Mission Trip

Students who completed 11th and 12th grade will partner with UK/USA Ministries to work alongside local schools and share the gospel.

June 13-21, 2025
Middlesbrough, England, United Kingdom
Contact: Nancy Cook | ncook@championforest.org
Miami High School Mission Trip

Students who have completed 9th-12th grade will work alongside one of our church plants in Miami to serve the community and neighboring areas.

June 14-19, 2025
Miami, Florida
Contact: Nancy Cook | ncook@championforest.org
This Sunday's Food Truck Lineup

This Sunday is irresistible! Get your cravings satisfied with Whatcha Cravin’s mouthwatering bites, Trailboss BBQ’s smoky perfection, and Popsi Bar’s frosty treats!

Sunday, December 8, 2024 11:00am - 3:00pm
Champions - The Lawn
Contact: Ally Bermudez abermudez@championforest.org | 281-440-3800

Giving Update

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Sunday, December 1, 2024


Received This Week
Ministry Budget: $ 263,550.56
Debt Retirement: $ 0.00
Missions Offering: $ 11,573.29
*Year To Date - Budget Giving
$ 3,104,116.08
*Year to Date - Budget Anticipated
$ 3,557,079.00
$ (452,962.92)

Give Online at championforest.org/give
Note: All gifts subject to the gift acceptance policy.