Weekly News Jersey Village

Men's Bible Study: Hebrews

Join us as we continue an in-dept study through the book of Hebrews beginning January 8th in the Chapel bldg, room E-3.

Wednesdays beginning January 8th at 6:45 PM Building E, room E-3 Contact: Chuck Stollenwerck; Stollenwerck.chuck@gmail.com

The Grove

Each week, young adults from all over Northwest Houston gather to find community and grow in faith. The Grove is open to ALL young adults, come join us!

Tuesdays | 7:30pm Champions Campus Student Building Contact: Young Adults Ministry 281-440-3800
The CF Library

The CF Library offers a wealth of faith-based materials (traditional and digital) where families can find a variety of subjects for enjoyment and spiritual growth.

Click below to register online. Once registered, we will reach out with further instructions. Contact: library@cfbc.org | 281-885-6725


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Sunday, December 1, 2024


Received This Week
Ministry Budget: $ 263,550.56
Debt Retirement: $ 0.00
Missions Offering: $ 11,573.29
*Year To Date - Budget Giving
$ 3,104,116.08
*Year to Date - Budget Anticipated
$ 3,557,079.00
$ (452,962.92)

Give Online at championforest.org/give
Note: All gifts subject to the gift acceptance policy.